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Hey Condi, We Sure Are Glad You Cleared Things Up

Here's a telling quote from an AP article published today:
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Wednesday that cruel and degrading interrogation methods are off limits for all U.S. personnel at home and abroad. But she gave no examples of banned practices, did not define the meaning of cruelty or degradation, did not say if the rules would apply to private contractors or foreign interrogators and made no mention of whether exceptions would be allowed.
For example, are water boarding, do the attention grab, the attention slap, standing for hours, cold treatment, and water boarding count as examples of banned practices?

It would be interesting to know, but, naturally, Rice always refuses to answer questions about specific practices.

What it thus boils down to is a matter of the Bush regime expecting the world to implicitly trust the US, with no accountability and no public access to the detainees to provide independent confirmation. It is all a laughable charade. We all know it is a charade. Bush knows it, Rice knows it, and so does the rest of the world. The fact is that there is a reason why these actions are carried out in secret. The only question is whether the European nations will carry this investigation forward enough to actually bring meaningful pressure on Bush.
