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Support your friendly neighborhood Left wing third party

If there ever was a time for third parties on the Left to fill a vacuum in American politics, now is it.

Terry Neal writes in the Washington Post that the Democrats will continue to flounder without proposing a principled antiwar voice in opposition to Bush's quagmire in Iraq. Neal reports that a" senior Democratic staff member in the House" told him that
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) has called a meeting of House Democratic leaders on Dec. 7 to begin trying to build consensus on what to do with the troops in Iraq. But Pelosi has decided against a plan to have the conference endorse a version of Murtha's plan.
With the majority of Americans opposing the war in increasing numbers, now is the time for a strong voice on the Left to speak strongly and firmly against the war. This would have been a golden opportunity for a genuine and principled opposition party to seize; but the Democrats are clearly not that opposition party.

In fact, according to Neal,
A new Wall Street Journal poll has Bush's approval rating down to 34 percent. The problem for Democrats is that they're rated by the public even lower than the Bush administration and are essentially tied with congressional Republicans, with only about a quarter of the public approving of the job both are doing.
With so much discontent and dissatisfaction among Americans with both parties of the duopoly, it is clear that the solution to our problems does not lie with pursuing the status quo.